Thursday, September 1, 2011

And it's here...

OK, so the weekend that I've been dreading all summer is finally here.  It's Labor Day weekend, which also means it's time for my 10 year reunion.

I lost the weight that I wanted, found a great dress that is classy and is 'me', and I've got my girls at Amiche Capelli helping me look great for the weekend.  I've been using the Clinage products,which I am loving, but stress has still taken it's toll on my face.  Make up will help.

Looking at the list, most of the people I want to see are under the "maybe" column.  I hope that some actually attend.  I miss my friends, I really do.  I miss girl nights watching movies and eating pizza.  I miss walking around the mall.  I miss choir tips and football games.  I miss my friends.

I wish we'd been able to stay in contact better a few years ago, before everyone was on Facebook.  There are some friends who I can't seem to find; in this world of technology, you can be found easily, or not at all.  Of course people getting married can affect that as well.

To my friends, I'm looking forward to seeing you this weekend.  I've missed you and hope we can stay in better contact after this weekend.  Maybe we should all bring along some business cards w/ contact info...?  Anyone? (can you tell I'm a big networker)

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