One of the hardest things that I have to deal with as a business owner is that I’m not just a business owner. I’m also a mom.
I don’t have a job that I can leave the office and the work stays there. The office is my home, and my work is 24/7.
I generally keep a rule that 9a-3p and after 8 until I can’t stay awake I am in work mode. But that doesn’t always happen. I’ll get a phone call that will last 45 minutes at 4, or something will need my attention for one of my clients. It’s tough.
I still haven’t found that balance yet. I try to get up a bit earlier every day (I’m not a morning person, so that doesn’t happen too often).
I spend the 8-9a hour getting house stuff done while I’m shipping the girls off to school, before I take my son to preschool. I’m thankful that he’s such a good boy, because the 2 days when he’s not in school, he plays with his toys, sits with me and colors while I work and stays quiet when I’m on the phone.
The past month he’s been sick - a lot. It made my days difficult, because when my husband was in clinicals, I had to cancel my meetings. Most people understand, but there's a few who don’t get it.
I enjoy working freelance, it gives me freedom. But sometimes, I just wish I had an office that I could go to, get my work done then go home... Something that I could do from home when the kids are sick.
Maybe I need to just get an office of my own, outside of the house. There needs to be a separation between work and play. I have a few other work-from-home friends, they all have their own “work mode” and “play mode” ideas to differentiate when their working and when they’re not. For me, if the high-heels are on, I’m working.
But then I fall into the ‘networking no-no’. I’ve been told several times that when I leave my house, it’s always an opportunity to be building my business, so I need to look the part at all times - make-up, no ponytail, name tag on. However, I love to just go sit at a coffee shop in a hoodie and jeans and get some work done, it gets me out of the house and I’m comfortable. I know, I know, ‘if you were to run into that person you’ve been wanting to meet with’...
Sigh... It gets easier at some point, right?